Hatchling Care-Tips For Raising Turtles

The hatchling turtle is undoubtedly an adorable creature that many people find appealing. However, it is important to note that purchasing a hatchling turtle is illegal in the United States of America, except for specific scientific, educational, or exhibitional purposes (as outlined in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Subpart D, Sec. 1240.62--Turtles intrastate and interstate requirements). This law is in place because hatchling turtles are at a higher risk of carrying Salmonella than adult turtles, and are often handled by children who may not practice proper personal hygiene. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully and strictly observe the care of pet turtles.

If you are committed to caring for a turtle for a long time, you must first determine the species of turtle that suits your lifestyle and living conditions. You must also provide suitable housing and the right kind of food for your pet. Some turtles grow extremely large and cannot be kept as domesticated animals, but there are many docile species that grow to a manageable size and are suitable for captivity.

Providing a good habitat for your pet is essential. Turtles require a place to bask, swim, and hide, as these activities are critical to their overall good health. Hatchlings can be kept in plastic tubs or aquariums, where you can monitor them more closely. Consistent temperature regulation is crucial for hatchling care, so it is advisable to use a heater to maintain a controlled and sustained warm temperature. If heating devices are not available, the housing should be placed in an area where the turtle can receive ample natural lighting.

Feeding baby turtles can be challenging, as they may not eat at first, regardless of the type of food offered. Hatchlings tend to be mostly carnivorous, so start by feeding them small, live insects and worms. As they mature, their range of food preference broadens, and they can be fed fruits, vegetables, or even processed food intended for mature turtle diets.